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The mission of Cesar brand is to provide food that puppy loves. The overall communication platform of Cesar is “LOVE THEM BACK” which leverage on the insight that puppy has a basic instinct to love his/ her owner while the owner can provide reciprocal love towards their puppy by providing Cesar food to them. The Cesar brand team has appointed E’s Concept to be the PR, event management and promotion agency on the launch of Cesar’s “Gourmet Topping Range”.


Concept Development | Publicity Management | Event Management | Partner Collaboration

We have studied the uniqueness of the new Cesar’s Gourmet Topping Range and found the new product range offered puppies with some delicate and delectable choice like “Baked Chicken with Thyme and Pumpkin”/ “Italian Beef, Pasta and Vine Tomato”/ “Chicken and Cheese”. We believed that it’s very rare to see a pet food with inclusion of such fancy delicate ingredients which sounded like the gourmet food of human. Hence, we initiated a creative PR concept to launch the Hong Kong’s first Sumptuous Menu for dog owners and their puppies using the freshest ingredients in a delectable three-course meal. We have negotiated a partnership deal with the chef and marketing team of Pearl on the Peak to launch this unique sumptuous menu for 1.5 month. We specially aligned with the top chef to create a pair up menu for Cesar’s pet owner that could match with Cesar’s “Gourmet Topping Range”:

 We also organized an event to kick-off the promotion. Local starlet, Ms Athena Chu was invited to officiate the kick-off ceremony for the new “Gourmet Topping Range”. More than 20 pet owners were also invited to join the ceremony to try off the first ever fine-tuning experience between a pet owner and puppy in Hong Kong. Each of the pet owners were served with the custom-made sumptuous menu from Pearl on the Peak and the pets were fed with Cesar’s Gourmet Topping Range” food under the Sumptuous menu.


This whole campaign generated paramount success. The PR coverage of the said campaign had extended from pet page to food feature page, lifestyle page, news page, & etc. Most of the coverages were quality coverage in full page format or double page spread format.The Hong Kong’s first Sumptuous Menu for dog owners and their puppies were consumed over 300 times during the promotional period. The sales of Cesar’s Top Gourmet Range had surpassed 50% of sales than the original forecast. 


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